2020 Creations: Womxn of Color Healing Circle
Reflecting on this year 2020 is no small task.
In this moment I want to reflect on and celebrate one special creation, the Womxn of Color Healing Circle.
This circle began with a burning question that kept me up at night…how do we heal, together?
After 10 years on my own healing path, I felt I wanted to create sacred space to answer it. Still it took me a year to actually do it. And it wasn’t until this time last year in 2019 that I serendipitously attended a conference called Girl Gang Craft Fair. The fair was packed full of artists, makers and designers of every kind and you could feel the feminine creation energy filling the room. I made two new friends that day and we set a date for the first healing circle, January 8, 2020.
As luck would have it, at the same fair I also met @jerilyn_guerrero who became the visionary artist for our logo which I love so much. Funny thing, she was in the middle of a move and very busy…but got struck with inspiration in the middle of the night, thus our logo was born!
The first circle I hosted at my house and I was so nervous I nearly had a panic attack. I had twelve women over for a colorful Ethiopian dinner and we started circle with a blessing and asking why each person decided to come.
It was a beautiful moment to take in as each person shared a bit about their story and their why. Many were already on their own paths of healing, wholeness, and truth and were looking for community. Some were just curious. Overall you could feel a powerful energy in the room just by each of our presence and the intentional choice to be there.
That night we created our sacred agreements that are still used to this day! And we had three offerings, one for the Earth body via light yoga and music by Meha Dave. The second was for the Emotional Body facilited by yours truly where we break out into small group conversations around Self love, Relational love and Divine love. The third offering was a light sound healing with koshi bells and tuning forks from Lila Li.
It was a full night! It ended up going over an hour late. But after that circle I was completely hooked. I remember laying on the floor after everyone had left just bathing in the healing energy.
From there the Womxn of Color Healing Circle was born.
Since that time, we’ve gotten a lot better with time and have hosted 11 official circles and 3 semi-circles (informal gatherings) six in person and eight online with topics such as:
Strength, Softness & Sensuality co-facilitated with Karmay Gorley & Lotus Wong
Full Moon in Libra co-facilitated with Coryna Ogunseitan & Lotus Wong
Heartbroken Heart Open co-facilitated with Sonia-Melitta Montoya & Lotus Wong
Ancestors & Descendants co-facilitated with Jyotsna Maan & Lotus Wong
Femifesting Our Dreams co-facilitated by Regina Felice Garcia and Lauren Wong
Self Care & Community Care co-facilitated by Coryna Ogunseitan, Mayssa Sultan, & Lotus Wong
Being is Enough co-facilitated by Mona Mabengi Williams & Lotus Wong
Freedom of the Feminine co-facilitated by Jyotsna Maan and Jacqueline Quach
These circles included a range of modalities:
Qi Gong
Self massage
Art therapy
Dance, movement
Vision boarding
And together we have raised awareness and donated $750 to other organizations that are doing meaningful work in the world:
Seeding Sovereignty
Exhale Collective
We Are Tomorrow’s Ancestors
Surfear Negra
Black Trans Fund
Healing fund for People of Color
Survivors of Domestic Violence Fund
We’ve also promoted the artwork of many women artists including: