For the longest time I’ve been seeking.
Seeking answers outside of myself. I prized external validation over inner self-acceptance. I prized accomplishments and praise over actualization and peace. I prized partnership as the ultimate proof that I was someone worthy of love.
Over the past 11 years, I’ve been on a deep archeological dig, examining every aspect of my being…every shade of my shadow, every flavor of my fuckedupness. Funny thing is, the more you dig, the more you find.
And while you can’t change those things inherently, with practice and loving awareness you can heal. And as you walk the journey of healing you’re able to CHOOSE how you relate and how you respond to whatever comes your way.
The message I’m receiving right now is that I’ve reached a Threshold.
I am no longer willing to live from a place of fear.
I am no longer willing to do things out of guilt, shame, and obligation.
I am no longer willing to give up my power.
I am ready and willing to be who I truly am:
An ever-evolving uncontained, wild, playful, vivacious creative spirit
A multi-faceted flower and a multi-layered human being
I am ready to get out of my own way and step into a love-based reality
I am ready to come out as a Radical Love Mystic who’s creating a global healing platform called SOUL https://www.schoolofunconditionallove.com/
There is nothing wrong with me.
And there’s nothing wrong with you either. Even in our “darkest” moments, that’s when we get to truly practice unconditional love, self-compassion and even “getting off” on our insecurities and what makes us uncomfortable (yes this actually works and stops the spirals, read the book "Existential Kink").
I am so done living from a place of victimhood and self-inflicted pain. I am letting that part of me die a glorious death. I am ready to receive and act on my next-level blessings! I am ready to give birth to my new self.
I am here and ready to rise. I am ready for you to rise too!
Life is for living. Own it. Let’s go!
#lotusrises #heroinesjourney #yearofsoul
: Corie Bee https://www.instagram.com/corie__bee/