“The challenge these days, is to be somewhere, to belong to some particular place, invest oneself in it, draw strength and courage from it, to dwell in beloved community.” ~ bell hooks ~
I am able to show up for others in large part because I have been so supported by beloved community. I am grateful for the folks that have raised me, guided me, and loved me along the way. I contribute to the greater whole by hosting events and gatherings to foster collective growth, healing and belonging.
Womxn of Color Healing Circle
An intentional community supporting womxn of color on their paths of healing, wholeness and truth. Join us!
East Bay Meditation Center
A Diverse Community Sharing Wisdom Teachings And Social Engagement.
Soul Flow Oakland
People of Color Yoga Classes, Workshops, and Retreats guided by Satya de la Paz
Discover more
AAPI Solidarity Circle
Hridaya exists to create better conditions for more and more people to reveal their True Nature, the Spiritual Heart.
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