Creative Rebirth


This learning journey is designed for women in transition. If you’re feeling stuck, frustrated and ready for a creative revival, this is the course for you! Because the arts are a unique catalyst for healing and growth, we will use a range of modalities from art, movement, music, writing, and theater to support you in rediscovering the creative spirit within.

This course is designed for any level of artist with no prior experience required. The arts are scientifically proven to help people get “out of their box” and “out of their own way” so that’s what we’ll be utilizing!

This program will be with an intimate community and in collaboration and co-creation with other artists, musicians, and creatives. I will be your primary guide and we will support you every step of the way.

First group cohort launching in 2021! Fill out the form at the bottom to be notified.

Photography: Joel Muniz

Photography: Joel Muniz

“The heart of creativity is an experience of mystical union, the heart of mystical union is an experience of creativity.”

- Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

Let’s explore together:

Photography: Henri Pham

Photography: Henri Pham

Here are some of the questions we might explore together:


  • Who are you being today?

  • What blocks are holding you back from channeling your creative potential?

  • What are you drawn to and what evokes a feeling of aliveness?


  • Who are you becoming?

  • What is your greatest vision for yourself? Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?

  • What would life look like if you had full access to your creativity?


  • What messages does your creative spirit have for you?

  • What wants to be born from within you?

  • What creative practices would most support you in your current transformation / evolution / rebirth?


Primary shift:

  • From stuck and frustrated —> to flowing and liberated

  • From lost and confused —> clear and focused

  • From bored and empty —> to creative and abundant

  • From apathetic and negative —> inspired and optimistic

Creative modalities:

  • MUSIC - explore your own rhythms through music and song through a custom sound session with a one of our artists.

  • ART - dive into your creative soul through drawing, painting, poetry, and writing with visual artist.

  • THEATER - tap into your multitudes through the power of voice and theater with one of our voice coaches.

  • MOVEMENT - shake, move, and feel your body in all its magic with intuitive movement and meditation with Regina Felice.

  • CREATIVE WRITING: let your words be your wand with creative writing, journaling, and other forms of expression, guided by Lotus Wong.

  • INTUITIVE READING: evoking the power of intuition, we will choose an intuitive reading from a range of healers (Astrology, Divination, Gene Keys, Human Design, Tarot).

Program details:

  • Two 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions with Lotus

  • Four 60-minute creative collaboration sessions with four guest artists

  • Online portal with follow up exercises, tools, and resources

  • Individual coaching available now!

  • Group Dates TBD, launching in March 2021

  • Sliding scale $724-888


Dive deeper with Lotus

I would love to guide and support you as you give birth to your greatest creative self.

Group Coaching Program launching in 2021, fill out the form to be notified!


Now it’s your turn! Are you ready to activate the creative spirit within?

Complete the form below to schedule a 20 min call to learn more.