A meaningful pause amidst COVID-19


This time at home has given me some space to breathe. A meaningful pause.

Sometimes I get so swept up in the fullness of my life that I miss it. I miss how truly beautiful my life is. How blessed I’ve been in this lifetime.

As a Life Enthusiast, I have this hunger for more. This insatiable quest to dive deeper and expand wider. Most times that drive is authentic but sometimes it falls into the shadow side of greed and overindulgence.

Stepping back, I can see how greedy I’ve been and how I’ve been fixated on “Better, Faster, More”.

I thought it was the outside world that was this way, I’ve blamed it on corporate greed and the capitalist economy, on unjust systems and failing institutions. And while that may also be true…those are projections of my own suffering.

Because even with all of those things…my life has meaning. My spirit is whole. Nothing can rob me of that.

And I miss it. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss adventure. I miss the world.

I miss the freedom flowing through my veins, the adrenaline high of soaring through my life WILD AND FREE. I miss being that brave badass woman, the unstoppable heroine.

This time at home, this quarantine has been a detox for me (well not entirely because I’ve been very active online) but I see how much beauty has been ever present. And how in my quest for perfection, I kept wanting more. I see now that that thirst is unquenchable. In some ways it drives me and in other ways it distracts me. It’s my ego’s argument with reality, missing the gift of the present.

I see now, that even with all my imperfections and the world’s imperfections that I still have the greatest love in my heart. For myself, for those around me who have been so good to me. For all the opportunities to learn, grow, and explore our boundless beautiful blue green planet. For Spirit who guides me every step of the way.

As far as I’m concerned, we are human and we are divine. We’ve already won the life lottery. It’s just a matter of seeing.

And still, people are dying. What’s happening in the world is heartbreaking. Collective grief, stress and anxiety is permeating. But death is what comes to all of us. It’s the one ending we all face. And while the body dies, the soul lives on.

In this moment, I am blessing the lives of each and every being on this planet. I am blessing those who are in critical condition. I am blessing those who have passed on. I am blessing those who are mourning. I am blessing your souls with my whole heart. Through my tears…my words…my heart is with you.

Trust. Trust. Trust.

We will make it through as a collective spirit.

I thank you. I love you. I hear you. I see you.

In love and solidarity,
Kelsey Lotus Wong 🌳🙏🏽🌸

#heroinesjourney #healingspirit #yearofenough

Lotus Wong

Artist of Life + Soulpreneur


The Beauty & Power of Femifestation


The Shadow Side of Living an Intentional Life