The Beauty & Power of Femifestation
What is it? And how do we access it?
So this is a big topic and if you really want to dive deeper and you’re a BIPOC womxn of color, I INVITE YOU to join our next Womxn of Color Healing Circle on ✨FEMIFESTING OUR DREAMS ✨this Wed, Sept, 9th, 6:30-8:30pm PST where Lauren A. Wong, Regina Felice Garcia and myself will take you on a journey!…
For now, I’d like to share how I connect with and define femifestation, as it’s a new word for me that is related to manifestation and the law of attraction but that also has an important nuance and depth I want to share.
I define the Beauty & Power of Femifestation as intentionally connecting to and aligning yourself with the Divine Feminine to realize both your dreams AND the dreams of Spirit that yearn to come through you.
Additionally, I’d like to name that this is not gender specific, whether you identify as a womxn, man, gender non-binary, genderqueer, Two Spirit and more, each one of us is made up of lunar and solar energy, yin and yang, and thus have access to the Divine Feminine within.
In spiritual practice, we call it "Divine" to honor our inner divinity as both human and spirit and the sacredness of these energies, which are at the very core of our being.
The Divine Masculine or solar energies are associated with logic, responsibility, adventure, courage, left-brained, action-oriented, purposeful, mission, mental clarity, physical strength, will power, seeks self-mastery, introspective, competitive, protective, grounded, giving/providing, leading, focused on the physical world.
The Divine Feminine or lunar. energies associated with creation, intuition, justice, balance, emotional strength, right-brained, flow, love, self-mastery for the greater good, openness, vulnerability, nurturing, multi-tasking, sensitivity, values being vs. doing, sensuality, receiving, relationships, and is focused on the inner world.
So when I’m femifesting. through prayer, ritual, and my everyday thoughts and feelings, I am calling in my desires and visions for myself and the world. The difference for me between femifesting and manifesting is that I don’t just say, "here's what I want Universe", I also ask the Divine Feminine, “how can I serve you?" "What would you like to come through or be birthed through me?” It's a CO-CREATION. I ask. I listen. I offer myself as a vessel, a beacon, and an instrument to be utilized for healing, unconditional love, liberation and truth.
So now, I am curious, what is YOUR definition and experience with femifestation? Have you heard of this term before? What’s a time where you leaned into the Divine Feminine within, where you trusted your heart, your intuition, and your feelings rather than your mind? What about a time when something came through you or appeared for you as an opportunity to be of service?
For me, the creation of the Womxn of Color Healing Circle has been an act of listening to the Divine Feminine and so I'm really excited to be sharing our next circle, "FEMIFESTING OUR DREAMS" Sept. 9th, 6:30-8:30pm PST guided by Lauren A. Wong and Regina Felice Garcia.
#femifesting #femifestation #divinefeminine #healing #womxnofcolor #womenscircle #yearofenough