Every year I choose an intention, a teacher, a sensei, a living prayer for the year to come. As I moved into 2023, I could feel something hot and bubbling beneath the surface. My intentions inspire me but also scare and challenge as they call me to rise into the next evolution of self.
For years, I’ve been hearing whispers of the Divine Feminine and this year the message came LOUD & TRUE. Something undeniable struck me inside and I realized, it’s about damn time.
For centuries, we’ve lived in an unbalanced world. In a power over society where patriarchy reigns without access to the fullness of ourselves. Men disconnected from their emotions. Women disconnected from their power. People living in fear, afraid of being who they truly are.
The result of living disembodied and disengaged is damage, destruction and chaos. Raging war within ourselves, inflicting it on one another and on the planet, our collective home. And yet, within each of us lives the soul-ution. We are born with both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, our lunar and solar sides. We need only to heal our inner wounding to return to the dance of life, which calls us to live whole.
Welcome, “Year of Femme Power”, a battle cry from within. An activation, an initiation, a call to heal ourselves, to love ourselves, to find our way home.
The last 13 years of my life have been dedicated to tending to and alchemizing my wounds and while healing is a lifelong journey, I feel the fire within me rise. Now is the time to take my seat at the table, build a new table or say, “to hell with this”, let’s sit in circle instead.
Feminine power is not about power over where power is a zero sum game. It’s about accessing our inner power where we become warriors of love, truth and justice together. As we heal our wounded masculine and wounded feminine, we integrate, we regenerate and we remember who we are.
So here’s to that, stepping into our inner kingdoms, queendoms, and everything in betweendoms. Receiving our medicine and rising into the roles we were born to play.
For me that looks like inspiring, guiding and initiating others into new ways of working, living and loving.
It looks like taking full responsibility for my life and my destiny. It means living in alignment with my gifts and my dharma. As I do this ancestral work of liberating myself, I liberate my lineage and in particular, my matriarchal line by giving myself the FREEDOM TO FLY.
On my birthday two weeks ago, I used the Self-Initiation Affirmation and pulled the following:
“I have stepped through the portal where I am inhibited and unihibitable, and there is no return.
“I do not need permission to become more of myself so I can be of greater service to the mission I was put here for.
“I am unafraid of my ambition, ambition rooted in service.”
And that’s where I stand. Year of Femme Power, ready to receive the world.
“I tell you now that within the heart and the mind and the body wisdom of the feminine, lie some of the greatest secrets and greatest powers - and they wait to be revealed.” ~ Mary Magdalene
“The Goddess does not rule the world, she is the world.” ~ Sarah Durham Wilson